I, Traci Conkle, do hereby resolve:
Refrain from special hand salutes when I finally pass that car doing 25 in a 70 mph zone.
Remind myself that cleanliness is simply not part of the male genome.
Not to lose my temper when some idiot takes a buggy full of merchandise through the "Ten Items or Less Express Lane."
To just smile and not think disparaging thoughts the next time someone tells me "Oh, what fun you must have as a teacher! It's like playing all day long!"
To not throw blunt objects at the television whenever some big company gets a bail out after giving their top execs special privileges.
To make sexism an equal opportunity employer. I'll open my own restaurant and employ scantily clad hunky men to be the waiters. I'll call the restaurant "Peckers."
Do my part to encourage the local economy by consuming chocolate based items.
Try my best to keep a positive outlook at school, even when the stupid copier breaks down (for the umpteenth time) right before a major test that I need multiple copies of.
Love, hug, kiss, and play with Gryffin more. Actually, come to think of it, that's not a necessary resolution because I do that anyway. But it looks good on paper.
Keep the spirit of Christmas in my heart all year long by letting my husband buy me gifts whenever the mood strikes me.
Smile politely whenever someone tells me "Oh, your son looks just like your husband! Aren't you glad?"
There. I've finished with this year's resolutions. Wonder which one will fall first?
There. I've finished with this year's resolutions. Wonder which one will fall first?