Last night my husband and I decided to play Hide-and-Seek with Gryffin. As is usually the case, Gryffin was very enthusiastic about the game. Problem was, he had no idea how to play it correctly.
The game started with me slowly counting to ten while my husband helped Gryffin to hide. When I reached ten, I loudly sang out "Ready or not, here I come!" I then went in search of my husband and son.
It didn't take me very long to find them. Mainly because Gryffin was frantically waving his arms, jumping up and down, and shouting, "Here I am!"
(Note to self: scratch "Covert Stealth Spy" off Gryffin's future job list.)
After that rather interesting version, we decided to help our son by hiding with him. Justin covered his eyes and slowly started to count, while I grabbed Gryffin's hand and headed for a primo hiding spot.
Gryffin and I ducked behind a bedroom door and waited for Justin to finish counting. The entire time, Gryffin is so excited he simply can't stop giggling or dancing in place. And sure enough, no sooner does Justin announce "Here I come!" than Gryffin launches himself from his hiding place shouting, "Here I am, Dada!"
So we tried version 3. This time I hid, while Justin and Gryffin counted. I ran to the hallway closet and stepped inside, leaving the door hallfway open. I figured it was an easy place for Gryffin to find me, since I would be very visible the minute someone walked past.
They reached ten, warned me they were coming, and then set out to search for me. I could hear Gryffin giggling and laughing while he hunted, and Justin encouraging him to find me. As they drew nearer to the hallway closet, I found myself smiling in anticipation. Surely Gryffin would find me immediately!
For the next five minutes, Gryffin proceeds to run through the house calling, "Mama! Where are ooo?" He must have streaked past the closet door at least four times and never once noticed me!
(Note to self, scratch "Search and Rescue" off Gryffin's future job list).
15 years ago