Gryffin's First Ring: (happened September 2007)
Well, I've learned another important lesson concerning toddlers. Just thought I'd pass it along. So here it is.
Never leave a cell phone unattended near a 14 month year old.
You see, my son is addicted to technology. Anything electronic fascinates him. (like vcrs). Once I took him with me to the post office and he went nuts over the electric scanner. He actually tried to crawl over the counter to get the hand-held scanner. Caused quite a scene, but that's another story. Anyway, a few weeks ago Gryffin got his hands on my cell phone. I left it on a table that I didn't think he could reach.
Apparently, I was wrong.
Now this isn't the first time Gryffin's gotten his hands on my cell phone. He likes to flip it open and push the buttons to hear the sounds they make. I went and bought him a toy cell phone that would make noises when he pushes the buttons, but he prefers the real thing. Well, to continue with the story. On this first occasion he managed to get my phone and started flipping buttons. I was in the middle of grading papers and it took a moment for me to realize what was happening. By that time, he had managed to hit the send button and had placed a call.
To Peru.
At least that's where we think he called. It might have been Bolivia. Where ever it was, they didn't speak English. Luckily, this occurred after 7:00 when all long distance calls are free.
Gryffin's Second Ring (happened Monday, October 27)
When we arrived home this afternoon, Gryffin had a Halloween card waiting for him in the mailbox. The card was from my parents in Tennessee. He excitedly ripped the envelope open and pulled out the card. He then proceeded to carry it all around the house, showing it to everyone and everything ("look cat! I got card!") Obviously, Gryffin enjoyed the card and was eager to discuss his feelings concerning the matter. So I thought it would be nice to call my parents and let him thank them for the card.
I pulled out my trusty cell phone, dialed my parents, and then gave the phone to Gryffin. He had a nice little chat with my Mom; I distinctly heard the words, "Thank you" and "card" at several points. Eventually he tired of the conversation, said "Bye-bye," and tossed the phone to me.
I told my mother goodbye and then began to do some chores around the house. Justin was busy working on the computer and Gryffin was playing in the living room. It was a nice, peaceful scene.
Eventually, I decided it was time for my nightly bedtime ritual. About an hour before bedtime, I lay down in the bed and read a book. This helps me relax from the day, calm myself for sleep, and regain inner control. If I don't get my before-bedtime-reading, I simply don't sleep well.
Anyway, Gryffin remained in the living room and Justin continued working on the computer. I heard Gryffin talking, but thought nothing unusual about this, since he talks to everything. I then heard the phone ring. Justin answered it.
Next thing I know, Justin is in the bedroom, holding the phone out to me with tears in his eyes. Concerned, I took the phone and managed a shaky, "hello." I must admit, I feared someone in the family had been hurt or was gravely ill. Luckily, that was not the case.
My mom was on the other end of the line. She was laughing so hard it was difficult to understand what she was saying. Eventually, she managed to ask me if I knew where my cell phone was.
Now, I always put my cell phone back in my purse after using it. If you've read the story of Gryffin's Peruvian phone call, you will understand the need for this habit. However, I apparently did not return my phone to its pouch because Gryffin had it. He was sitting in the recliner, holding the phone to his ear, and excitedly jabbering away.
While Justin retrieved my phone, Mom explained what happened. Apparently she was in the process of cooking dinner when the phone rang. She picked up the phone just in time to hear the "click" of a disconnected line. Seconds later, the phone rang again. Once again, she answered just in time to hear the phone hang up. Confused, she checked the Caller ID display and discovered the calls were originating from my cell phone. Immediately she grew nervous, fearing that some accident had befallen me and I was unable to maintain the phone connection. She was just about to dial my number when the phone rang again. This time when she answered she heard a small, happy little voice chirp, "Hi!"
It was, as I'm sure you've guessed, Gryffin.
Realizing that he must have hit the redial button on my phone, my Mom told him to take the phone to mommy or dada. This command did not sit well with my son, who told her "No! Mine!" He then promptly hung up.
Seconds later, the phone rang again. Mom answered, and once again heard the diminutive "Hi!" Again she tried to tell Gryffin to take the phone to one of his parents. Again, he shouted "No!" and hung up the phone.
It was at this point that Mom used her cell phone to call the house and inform us that our son had hijacked my cell phone.
We checked the placed calls display. Luckily, he only called my parents. No cross-country dispatches this time.
Since this incident, Justina and I have decided we need to work on Gryffin's behavior. It is not gong well.
A Day with Dane
13 years ago