The Wolfe-Smith Psychological Profile
Directions: Please read each question carefully and type in your answer. Do NOT scroll down the list before answering the questions because this will invalidate your results. You must be completely honest with your answers. If you have difficulty answering a question, go with your first impulse. Good luck!
1. If you had to pick an animal most like yourself, what animal would it be? ____________
2. What color represents you the best?_____________________________________
3. If you could have a "theme" song, what song would it be?_______________________
4. If you were stranded on a deserted island with only three possessions with you, what would you take? __________________________________________________________
5. If you could change your name, what would it be?___________________________
6. What is your favorite season?___________________________________________
7. Describe yourself using only five words. __________________________________
8. If you could travel through time, what historic event or time period would you visit first? _______________________________________________________________
9. If you were to win the Lottery, what is the first purchase you would make?________
10. What party best represents you, democrat or republican?____________________
Now scroll down to determine your profile.
Individualized Wolfe-Smith Psychological Profile
From the offices of T. Wolfe % J. Smith
1719 Morgan Drive Summersville, NC 27939 (421) 777-3918
1. If you picked a carnivore, this indicates a tendency towards aggression. Picking an herbivore, indicates a tendency towards submission. You need psychological counseling. Call and schedule an appointment.
2. If you picked one of the three primary colors (red, yellow, and blue) then you have no imagination. If you picked a secondary color (purple, green, orange, brown, or black) then you should be under the care of a psychiatrist. If you picked plaid, you should ask a responsible adult to drive you to our center immediately.
3. If you have a theme song, then you have an ego problem. Call and schedule an appointment.
4. If you did not take a cell phone, you may have a head injury or learning disability. Call and make an appointment.
5. If you changed your name, it indicates you might have a problem with self-identity or a potential for criminal enterprise. Professional counseling is necessary to determine if you are a threat to society or not.
6. Spring: you are a wimp. Summer: you are a sadist. Fall: you are melancholy. Winter: you need counseling. Call us.
7. If you can describe yourself with only five words, then you have a problem with self-understanding. Therapy is your only hope.
8. Time travel is pure theory. If you answered this question, you may be delusional. We need to see you to profile you further.
9. If you entered the lottery, then you have an addiction to gambling. Our offices offer the best treatment for addiction available in NC. Just visit our success stories at any gas station scratch-off counter for references.
10. If you picked democrat or republican, then you are naive and do not have a firm grasp of reality. You need therapy. Immediately.
Thank you for taking the Wolfe-Smith Psychological Profile. Please email and share with all your friends. Then pick up the phone and give us a call....time is crucial and you need immediate help!
By the way, if you answered all ten questions, you have WAY too much time on your hands.
A Day with Dane
13 years ago