Let the blogging commence!
In case you can't tell, I've never "blogged" before. In fact, I'm not even positive that I know what a blog is....although I reckon its an online journal. I sincerely doubt my inner musings and anecdotal stories will interest anyone outside my family and friends. So I'll use this blog to keep my fam informed of all the interesting and pertinent events in my life and the life of my husband and son. I also tend to be terrible at keeping things updated, so don't be surprised if months go between postings. I do work for a living, after all.
By the way, several people on my email list have requested more stories concerning work (I teach fifth grade and hoo-boy but I've got some great stories). Due to privacy concerns, I no longer email my little trials and tribulations about school. However, it is certainly possible to see something pop up every once in a while on my blog. Just be aware that all names are changed to keep my butt from getting sued (notice I didn't say anything about protecting the innocent!). No doubt I will have stories about my little category 5 hurricane of a son and his latest disasters. And of course you can always find the latest photos of my family when I get the urge and the time to upload them.
One last thing to mention, and then I'll officially finish my first blog. I can't stand reading political blogs or someone's fanatical religious rantings condemning everyone who believes differently. So you won't normally find such articles on The Conkle Cache. However, I do have an interest in religious philosophy and will often explore my current thinking by way of writing. You may occassionaly see one of these types of musings. That is all they are, musings. And rest assured, if I ridicule one political canidate I'll do my best to ridicule them all.
Okay, I think that's everything. Which is good, because I can't think of anything else to write. Not a great start, to have writer's block on your very first blog!
A Day with Dane
13 years ago