Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I Am Thankful

The Bible states that we should give thanks in all things. Sometimes, of course, this is difficult to do. I've noticed lately that I've been complaining a lot about certain situations in my life. As many of you know, I am studying Conscious Discipline (visit the website at and one of the foundational principles of CD involves the Power of Perception. In other words, we choose how to view situations, and our viewpoint then influences our emotional response.

Therefore, I decided to readjust my thinking today. So here goes....

  • I am thankful that my salary has been cut by the governor, because it means I still have a job when so many people have lost their jobs.
  • I am thankful Gryffin threw a major tantrum this morning, because it means he's a healthy toddler when so many children die in infancy.
  • I am thankful my husband takes up most of the bed, because it means he's still with me when so many people are divorced or widowed.
  • I am thankful my students get on my nerves with their constant drama, because it means I have a wonderful opportunity to practice Conscious Discipline and patience.
  • I am thankful that when I stood up to teach today my pants fell down, because it means I've lost weight. (I'm also thankful it occurred while the kids were at computer class!!!)
  • I am thankful that putting together my grandmother's birthday party is so stressful, because it means she's still alive when others are now gone.
That's enough optimism for now. Back to being grouchy! :)