Monday, July 20, 2009

Gryffin Googles

Today I had a meeting with my colleagues. Due to lack of babysitters, Gryffin went with me to the school for my appointment. I gave him various toys and things to distract him, but in true toddler fashion he wanted to be right in the middle of the discussions.

At last, exasperated with his interruptions, I pulled up hulu on the computer and found a cartoon show for him to watch. Then my husband arrived to take the little munchkin off my hands, and I left Gryffin in the classroom with the other teachers while I went to let Justin in.

When we returned to the room, we found Gryffin sitting at the computer with my friend, Julie; Julie was looking rather surprised. After he left, she confided to me that the cartoon had finished on the computer and she went to find him another one. Unable to find the correct url, she apologized to Gryffin and explained the problem.

He had a solution, however. He told her, "Just Google it!"

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Conscious Discipline Memories....Wednesday

Whenever I attend a workshop, I take copious notes and then shelve them. When I review those notes (sometimes years later), I have absolutely no idea what I have written, what it means, or what I wanted to remember! So I decided to take some time during the breaks this week to write down the highlights so hopefully I can remember what happened later on!

Things to remember: reflective speaking helps mirror students, engage their interest, and shift focus. "So you wanted...."

What you focus on, you get more of."

"Connections on the outside build connections on the inside."

"The teacher sets the tone of the classroom. If there is someothing amiss with the classroom climate, you as the teacher need to change."

Ideas to implement: "Nancy in the News" possible to make school-wide brain smart start using activboards? Maybe record the day before everyday? Explore possibilities to unite school family.